Dr.-Ing. Ir. Paulus Bawole, MIP.
Arsitektur Permukiman dan Perancangan Kota
- S1 : Teknik Arsitektur Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
- S2 : Stuttgart University, Germany
- S3 : Stuttgart University, Germany
- W Raharjo, P Bawole (2022). Changing People’s Attitude Towards Urban River in Yogyakarta. Routledge Handbook of Urban Indonesia.
- FT Prakoso, P Bawole (2022). Penataan Kampung Kota Melalui Pendekatan Partisipatif di Bantaran Sungai Code, Yogyakarta: Studi Kasus: Kampung Gemblakan Bawah, Kelurahan Suryatmajan, Kota Yogyakarta. ATRIUM: Jurnal Arsitektur.
Winarna, W., Bawole, P., & Hadilinatih, B. (2021). Redefinisi ruang publik di masa pandemi COVID-19 studi kasus di kota Yogyakarta. Vitruvian: Jurnal Arsitektur Bangunan dan Lingkungan, 237-256.
- Bawole, P. (2020). The development of urban kampong as one the alternatives special interest tourism. ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 5(1), 115–126. (Preprint)
- Bawole, P., Wiyatiningsih, W., Harefa, A. S., & Rodriguesa, O. (2020). Appreciating the growth of informal utilization of city space for sustainable urban development in Yogyakarta city. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 402, 012013. (Preprint)
- Rodrigues, O., & Bawole, P. (2019). Makna Ruang Terbuka Publik Taman Kota Largo De Lecidere Kota Dili, Timor Leste. Media Matrasain, 16(2), 8–19. (Preprint)
- Nurmarita , Oktavia W., & Bawole , Paulus. (2019). STRATEGI PERANCANGAN KAWASAN PENGOLAHAN SALAK PONDOH BERBASIS CREATIVE TOURISM DI DESA WISATA PULESARI, TURI, SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA . SMART: Seminar on Architecture Research and Technology, 4(1), 299-309. (Preprint)
- Bawole, P., & Sutanto, H. B. (2018). Community empowerment strategy by sustainable built environment planning in Urban Kampong. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 126, 012083. (Preprint)
- Bawole, P., Prawoto, E. A., Darsono, P., & Guspara, W. (2016). Perancangan Alat Pemanas Elektrik da Penoreh Malam Terpadu yang Bersifat Inklusif. Dinamika Kerajinan Dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah, 31(2), 123. (Preprint)
- Paulus Bawole, Puspitasri Darsono, Eko Agus Prawoto, & Winta Guspara. (2015). The Development of Low-Income Settlement by Community Driven Strategy and Introducing Batik Home Industry. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 12(11), 876–889. (Preprint)