Master of Management

Faculty               : Business
Department      : Master of Management
Degree                : M.M.
Established       : June 10, 2015
Accreditation   : B
Telephone         : +62 274 563929, ext: 223
Fax                       : +62 274 513235, +62 274 548050
Address              : Agape Building 2nd Floor, dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo st. 5-25, Yogyakarta 55224
Email                  : [email protected] 

Distinctive Features

The biggest challenge business institution and community face these days is related to the tight competition in regional and global level. One of the causes is the effectuation of ASEAN Economic Community since December 31, 2015. Thus, it is important to make a breakthrough in preparing and developing sustainable professional experts. The Master Program in Management is ready and committed experts. The Master Program in Management is ready and committed to deliver innovative and excellent learning process in order to produce professional expert that are reliable and capable of competing in the global competition.


  • Risk Management
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource

Research Topics

  1. Profit Management in Different-EPS-Level Companies
  2. The Conservatism Level of Company Financial Reporting Related to Accrual Quality
  3. Profit Management Practice and Risk Factors in Valuing Stocks
  4. The Detection of Profit Management Practice According to Company Specific Characteristics

Name of Courses

Term No Code Courses SKS
I 1 MM1013 Intermediate Theories and Applications of Human Resource Management 3
2 MM1023 Intermediate Theories and Applications of Financial Management 3
3 MM1033 ntermediate Theories and Applications of Marketing Management 3
4 MM1043 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 3
II 5 MM1062 Business Law and Ethics 2
6 MM1053 Strategic Management Theories and Applications 2
Risk Management  
7 MM2013 Strategic Enterprise Risk Management 3
8 MM2023 Financial Risk Management 3
Marketing Management  
9 MM3013 Consumer Behavior 3
10 MM3023 Marketing Strategy 3
Social Entrepreneurship  
11 MM4013 Community Development 3
12 MM4023 Strategic Fundraising Management 3
Human Resources Management  
13 MM6013 Organizational Development 3
14 MM6023 Professional Human Capital Management 3
III Risk Management  
15 MM2033 Business Valuation 3
16 MM2043 Strategic Financial Management and Corporate Governance 3
Marketing Management  
17 MM3033 International Marketing 3
18 MM3043 Service Marketing 3
Social Entrepreneurship  
19 MM4033 Program Evaluation 3
20 MM4043 Social entrepreneurship 3
Human Resources Management  
21 MM6033 Talent Management 3
22 MM6043 Industrial Relationship 3
IV 23 MM5013 Internship 3
24 MM5025 Thesis and Publication 5
Total 36