• Address : Agape Building 5th Floor, dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo st. 5-25, Yogyakarta 55224
  • Telp : +62-274-563929 ext 504

The Faculty of Architecture and Design is a reputable faculty dedicated to advancing scientific research and innovative design with a focus on resilience. It aims to foster and sustain transformative ecosystems grounded in justice, equality, and compassion. The faculty offers three programs: Architecture, Product Design, and a Master’s in Architecture, each designed to produce professionals skilled in creating disaster-resilient built environments, sustainable design innovations, and approaches rooted in creativity, empathy, inclusivity, and professional ethics.

Academic development is conducted through intensive laboratory-based activities. The undergraduate Architecture program features four laboratories: (1) Design Planning Laboratory, (2) Urban and Settlement Environment Laboratory, (3) Building Science Laboratory, and (4) History, Theory, Technology & Design Studies Laboratory. The undergraduate Product Design program includes five laboratories: (1) Product Design Laboratory, (2) Culture and Craft Laboratory, (3) Inclusive Design Laboratory, (4) Design Entrepreneurship Laboratory, and (5) Material Engineering Laboratory. The Master’s in Architecture program has a dedicated Disaster and Socio-Inclusive Laboratory.

All laboratories within the Faculty of Architecture and Design are developed in alignment with the principles of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (the three pillars of higher education), which emphasize enhancing teaching materials, conducting impactful research, and generating intellectual property and patents. The dynamic academic environment within the institution shapes the faculty’s character and uniqueness.


To be a distinctive Faculty of Architecture and Design that applies and develops environmentally sustainable engineering design based on justice, equality, and love.


  1. To apply engineering design education and learning processes which are appropriate to the social, cultural, and environmental context.
  2. To conduct just and loving engineering design development research that provides practical and contextual answer to societal problems.
  3. To participate in community empowerment through contextual service programs.
  4. To cultivate proficiency in leadership, communication, and entrepreneurship.
  5. To expand educational and industry networks to support the learning processes, research, and service to the society.
  6. To actively disseminate the results of academic work to actualize improved living.

Faculty Leadership

Dr. Imelda Irmawati Damanik, S.T., M.A(UD).


Dr.-Ing. Ir. Winarna, M.A.

Vice Dean I – Academic Affairs | Head of Master of Architecture

Linda Octavia, S.T., M.T.

Head of Architecture Department

Winta Tridhatu Satwikasanti, S.Ds., M.Sc.. Ph.D

Head of Product Design Department

Christian Nindyaputra Octarino, S.T., M.Sc.

Vice Dean II – Finance, HR, and Facilities

Adimas Kristiadi, S.T., M.Sc.

Vice Dean III – Student Affairs, Alumni, and Partnerships



ATRIUM: Journal of Architecture is a communication platform for the field of Architecture, showcasing research, literature reviews, and the latest scholarly articles. The journal, which started in May 2015, is published three times a year—in April, August, and December—with the print ISSN 2442-7756 and the e-ISSN 2684-6918.
ATRIUM focuses on various aspects of Architecture, including History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture; Urban Design; Housing and Settlements; Building Science; Architectural and Interior Design; Architectural Education; Archipelagic Architecture; Disaster Studies; and related interdisciplinary research.
The journal welcomes contributions of original, unpublished articles from researchers and practitioners. Manuscripts and inquiries can be sent to the editorial team via email at: [email protected].