Street Harmony #3, a collaboration between Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) and the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office, successfully took place with a series of engaging activities over two days. The event showcased a commitment to promoting unity, culture, and creative economic development in Yogyakarta.
The event kicked off with the Gowes Monalisa on Friday, December 6, 2024—a leisurely bike ride that invited participants to enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta. Starting from the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office and concluding at the UKDW campus, the ride attracted hundreds of participants from diverse backgrounds. The event promoted a healthy lifestyle and became a symbol of community spirit and enthusiasm.
Street Harmony #3 continued on Saturday, December 7, 2024, with a Shopping and Culinary Tour held on Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Street, in front of the UKDW campus. The event featured a variety of exciting activities, including an exhibition of creative economy products, traditional Yogyakarta cuisine, a fashion show, cultural performances, a cultural parade, and live music. Despite heavy rain, the community’s enthusiasm for the cultural performances and participation remained high. The event was marked by vibrant displays of traditional dances, such as Reog, Barongsai, and various regional dances. Additionally, a batik workshop drew significant attention, offering participants the chance to learn and preserve this iconic Indonesian art form.
Cultural performances by UKDW’s Cultural Clubs (UKKb), featuring traditional fashion from various regions of Indonesia, added to the event’s uniqueness. The combination of cultural shows, creative economy displays, and local cuisine created a harmonious atmosphere that reflected Indonesia’s spirit of unity and cultural diversity.
Through Street Harmony #3, UKDW and the Yogyakarta City Tourism Office successfully created a space for unity that blended culture, creative economy, and healthy living. The event is expected to strengthen Yogyakarta’s identity as an inclusive, creative cultural and tourism city. [Penta/trans.drr]