Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta welcomed a delegation from the Foundation of Abdi Sabda Theological Seminary (STT Abdi Sabda) Medan on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. The event, held in the Rev. Dr. Tasdik Seminar Room, aimed to facilitate a comparative study to enhance resource management systems at the foundation and university.

Representing UKDW were drg. Slamet Imbi Subagyo, M.Kes. (Secretary of YPTK Duta Wacana), Ir. Mariam Handayani (Administrator of YPTK Duta Wacana), Ambar Kusuma Astuti, S.E., M.Si. (Vice Rector for Finance and Asset Development), Rev. Wahju Satria Wibowo, Ph.D. (Vice-Rector for Human Resource Development, Promotion, and Partnerships), and several other key leaders from various departments.

STT Abdi Sabda’s delegation included Rev. Firman Sibarani, M.Th. (Chairman of the Board of Trustees), Rev. J.M.P. Siregar, M.Th. (Board Member), Martin Luther Harahap, SE (Secretary of the Foundation), and Fozuwolö’ö Tafona’ö (Treasurer of the Foundation).

Rev. Wahju Satria Wibowo, Ph.D., highlighted UKDW’s seven faculties, 13 study programs, and its excellent accreditation rating. He emphasized that UKDW’s mission is driven by four core values that permeate all academic and extracurricular programs, including the semester learning plans (RPS). “These values are integrated into all our programs, ensuring that mentoring and training are aligned with our Christian educational mission,” he said.

Drg. Slamet Imbi Subagyo, M.Kes., provided a historical overview of UKDW, tracing its roots back to its founding in 1985 as an evolution of the Duta Wacana Theological Seminary. He noted that UKDW is managed by the Duta Wacana Higher Education Foundation, which is supported by 12 church synods. [mpk/Eng.drr]