Closing the second term of the 2023/2024 academic year, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta held a Semester’s Closing Service packed with Batak traditional nuances on Monday, December 11, 2023, at UKDW Chapel. Presenting the theme “Branding UKDW Excellent”, Rev. Wahju Satria Wibowo, Ph.D. (Vice-Rector for Human Resources Capacity Development, Promotion, and Networking) as the bearer of the message conveyed UKDW’s branding as a Christian higher education institution with excellent accreditation, must be able to demonstrate the qualities that differentiate it from other higher education institutions. The excellence that must be branded is not just a predicate of accreditation but personal quality.
“This self-quality should not just occur every five years, but continues to be a process in life; the qualities that make me proud to work at UKDW; the qualities that make me proud to study at UKDW. And that’s what differentiates me from other people who choose other private higher education,” he said. In this semester’s closing service, the scriptures were from Acts 2:37-42. [humasukdw/Eng.drr]