Yudha Adi Putra, a second-year student of the Faculty of Theology, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta, took first place in the essay competition of the World Metrology Day 2021. His work with the title “Metrologi dan Ketahanan Pangan: Menghidupi Pengukuran Sebagai Upaya Kedaulatan Pangan” (Metrology and Food Security: Living the Measurement as Food Sovereignty Effort), was able to beat the other 60 entries. The result was announced on Thursday, May 27, 2021, during the Talk Show “Sinergi Metrologi Pulihkan Ekonomi Nasional” (Synergy of Metrology for National Economic Recovery), also through Instagram account @lombawmd2021, @direktorat_metrologi, and @bsn_sni on May 29, 2021.

In his essay, Yudha explained the importance of metrology and its implementation in daily life as well as its relation to food security efforts. Yudha also brought up the ideas of local wisdom, food sovereignty, and striving for empowering metrology. It started from the context of his own life in the village, where living the measurement has become one of the efforts to build food sovereignty. “For example, when we buy one kilogram of catfish, usually we get five fish. The principle of living the measurement is that the one-kilogram weight must match the scale. So, it is not right to rely on the assumption that one kilogram equals five catfish, it could be 6-7 fish depend on the weight of each fish. The emphasis lays on the use of scale in traditional markets, which should be accurate and calibrated regularly,” Yudha said.

World Metrology Competition 2021 was an essay writing competition event held by the Directorate of Metrology, National Standardization Agency, and Student Association of Metrology and Instrumentation AKMET with the theme “Metrology in Modern Day”, which was divided into sub-themes including Metrology Optimization in the Era of Society 5.0 dan Industry 4.0, Metrology During Pandemic Time, Metrology and Food Security, and Metrology to Support Indonesian Tourism. This competition was also part of the series of events to celebrate World Metrology Day on May 20, 2021.

The Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Partnerships of the Faculty of Theology UKDW Rev. Dr. Wahyu Nugroho, MA expressed his appreciation for Yudha’s achievement. Rev. Wahyu said that Yudha consistently and actively participates in essay writing competitions and has scored a number of achievements. “For us, Yudha’s achievement is surely remarkable. What he has achieved showed the very picture of a student figure that we envision, diligence in reading and writing, intelligence in exploring original ideas, awareness of actual issues, and the courage to work with creativity, and the will to grow. We hope in the future more students in the Faculty of Theology follow Yudha’s example,” he said.