• Address : Agape Building 4th Floor, dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo st. 5-25, Yogyakarta 55224


  • Telp : +62-274-563929 ext 418



To be a trustworthy and distinctive Business Faculty by implementing information technology in the learning process to produce creative, innovative, and independent generations of graduates for the pluralistic world based on love.



  1. To organize business education and learning processes based on research and develop professional, independent, and trustworthy business practitioners.
  2. To conduct research on business and entrepreneurship for the development of management and accounting.
  3. To participate in society development through service programs in accordance with management and accounting disciplines with a spirit of entrepreneurship.
  4. To develop teaching methodologies which develop student’s logic and sensitivity in a rapidly changing pluralistic world and which nurture independence and creativity as well as innovative behavior.
  5. To develop the faculty’s organization and management system to be more effective and efficient, supported by information technology and communication.
  6. To expand academic and business networks to support the faculty’s independence.


Dr. Perminas Pangeran, M.Si

Dean & Head of Master of Management

Dr. Elok Pakaryaningsih, M.Si

Vice Dean I and Head of  Management Department 

Rossalina Christanti, SE., M.Acc

Head of  Accounting Department 

Eka Adhi Wibowo, SE., M.Sc

Vice Dean II

Lucia Nurbani Kartika, S.Pd., Dipl. Secr., MM

Vice Dean III