Michael Jonathan Anwar, a student from the Information System program at Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW), has been named one of the 30 Top Performers in the Startup Campus program. He was recognized in the UI/UX Design category for his project, “For Sustainable Green Economy Program (Agriculture).” The top 30 performers were selected from various categories, with six participants in each category, including UI/UX Design, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence. Michael’s project focuses on creating designs that promote sustainable and environmentally friendly economic development. The Startup Campus program is affiliated with MSIB, a program that offers independent study opportunities for fifth-semester students in Indonesia. As an MSIB training partner, Startup Campus has been recognized as one of the leading independent study programs under the MSIB-Kampus Merdeka initiative. Michael chose the “green economy” project because, over the course of his four semesters, he had mostly worked on full-stack programming. Eager to learn something new, he decided to explore UI/UX design through this training opportunity.
“In any journey toward success, challenges are inevitable. One of the main challenges I faced during the training was managing my time effectively. Balancing both the training at the company and my academic coursework was tough,” Michael shared.
Despite these challenges, the benefits of the program proved worthwhile. Along with improving his skills, Michael received several key benefits, including a participation certificate, 15 academic credits, and the opportunity to apply for an internship at the partner company.
Michael’s accomplishment serves as an inspiration to other students, encouraging them to engage with both technology and sustainability issues, which are essential for nurturing a generation that is caring and creative. Programs like these offer participants the chance to develop skills, gain valuable experience, and access significant opportunities, just as Michael did. [FTI.Agnes/trans.drr]