Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta is ranked the third-best Christian university in Indonesia and the eleventh-best university in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, according to UniRank in 2024. UniRank is a global university ranking agency that provides information based on university websites.
UniRank uses a methodology similar to Webometrics and QS Top Universities, assessing universities based on their academic output (such as lecturers’ publications) and non-academic factors, as well as the popularity of the university. UniRank ranks approximately 13,900 universities worldwide and is recognized in 200 countries.
Dr. Phil. Lucia Dwi Krisnawati, Head of the Office of Partnerships and Public Relations at UKDW, explained that UKDW evolved from Duta Wacana Theological Seminary to meet the churches’ hopes of improving the education quality of their congregations through higher education. UKDW’s vision is to become an excellent, trusted, transformative, and sustainable Christian university, fostering the development of science, technology, and a humanist-cultural and adaptive generation in a pluralistic world.
“We are pleased with this ranking but not yet satisfied. This achievement means that UKDW must continue to strive for excellence and work harder to achieve our vision and mission,” she stated. [humasukdw/Eng.bel.en.drr]