The Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) in collaboration with Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) conducted Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on November 7, 2020, at Didaktos Seminar Room UKDW. The FGD talked about “The Importance of Nationalism in Nurturing National Resilience during the Pandemic.

The speakers in this FGD were Irjen Pol. Prabowo Argo Yuwono S.I.K., M.Si (the Head of Public Relations Division of POLRI ), Joko Nuryanto (Kesbangpol DIY), Dr. Dafri Agussalim, MA. (lecturer at the Faculty of Social Science and Politics UGM), and Dra. Endah Setyowati, M.Si., MA. (lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Humanities UKDW). Indonesian TV journalist Fristian Griec served as the moderator in this FGD. The FGD was conducted both face-to-face by following the COVID-19 health protocols, and online via the zoom platform.

The Rector of UKDW Dr. Henry Feriadi in his opening remarks pointed out the importance of helping each other to support our nation’s economic recovery from the impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, Irjen Pol. Prabowo Argo Yuwono S.I.K., M.Si defined national unity as the key to economic and social resilience in the time of a pandemic. He asked all elements of society to work together upholding national values to prevent those values from fading out amid the surge of information technology and the current pandemic so that the future generations have a strong sense of nationalism.

In line with what Argo said, Kesbangpol DIY Joko Nuryanto emphasized the importance of educating people from an early age about nationalism, which comprises at least four elements that unite all the people of Indonesia: Pancasila (the Five Principles), UUD ’45 (the Constitution), Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), and NKRI (the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia).

As stated by Dr. Dafri Agussalim, M.A., there were lots of controversies related to COVID-19, creating suspicions among people. Responding to this condition, Dra. Endah Setyowati M.Si., M.A. reminded the role of higher educations to formulate strategies to come out from difficult situations caused by the pandemic.