The Informatics Department of Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) held internal and external competence tests on June 25-26, 2020. Taking place at MIS Lab, AI Lab, and Bigdata Lab, this competence test is one of the requirements for Informatics students to be qualified for Yudisium. In addition, this certification is also useful for graduates when looking for jobs in the industrial sector. 

Internal competence test of UKDW’s Informatics Department or also known as basic evaluation (EDAS) is one of the competence tests held by the department itself. A total number of 76 Informatics students from batch 2015, 2016, and 2017 participated in this test on June 25, 2020. The tests include several courses including Data Structure, Human-Computer Interaction, Database System, and Object-Oriented Programming. 

For the external competence test conducted on Friday, June 26, 2020, Informatics Department was collaborating with Trust Training Partner to hold Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exams. There were several topics in this certification such as Software Development Fundamentals, Database Administration FundamentalsIntroduction to Programming Using Python, and Introduction to Programming using HTML and CSS. There were 51 students from batch 2017 and 216 participating in the exam.

During the pandemic time, the test was conducted by following the existing COVID-19 health protocol. Students from other regions who enter the Special Region of Yogyakarta) DIY were required to bring health certificate and statement letter on arrival to DIY. Students also had to wear a face mask and gloves during the exam. Besides, only 50% of the room capacity was used to ensure the physical distancing protocol. (Source: FTI/Dika)