Doktor Teologi
Nama Fakultas : Teologi
Nama Prodi : Doktor Teologi
Gelar Akademik : D.Th.
No SK Akreditasi : 2049/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/D/IV/2020 (download)
Peringkat Akreditasi : A
Tanggal Kadaluarsa : 1 April 2025
Tanggal Berdiri : 16 Agustus 2012
Telepon : +62 274 563929, ext: 460
Fax : +62 274 513235
Alamat : Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 5-25 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55224
Email : [email protected]
Handphone : +62 81238648425
Programme of Doctor of Theology
The emphasis of the doctoral study is on contextual theology, understood as a process of doing theology that gives serious attention to the traditional as well as contemporary cultural, religious, spiritual, political, and economic contexts of Asia.
The Doctor of Theology Study Program is a mix of research-based and course-based study program. Students can choose to take part in research clusters in the Faculty of Theology or propose their research projects. Students can also choose to take courses offered by the Faculty of Theology and/or those offered by various domestic and foreign partner institutions of the Faculty of Theology that support their research. For this reason, applicants are asked to submit a paper containing “research objectives” that elaborate on the background problem as well as the student’s interest, aim, and focus related to the chosen topic, the initial research questions and theories that will be explored, and why the topic matters in the Asian context. The research objectives paper will be considered in the admission selection. Since research experience is a factor that is taken into account, applicants are also asked to send their previous research work in the form of a Master’s thesis or a scientific article that has been published in a reputable academic journal.
The doctoral students are conditioned to work closely with their supervisors as research partners, and together, as a research team, must produce new findings that contribute to the development of contextual theology.
Full-time Supervisors
Pdt. Dr. Asnath Niwa Natar, MTh
Ketua Pusat Studi Teologi Feminis,Dosen Teologi Feminis, Teologi Pastoral Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: M.Th., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S3: Dr., Augustana Theologische Hochschule EmailJabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala Bidang Kepakaran...
Pdt. Daniel K. Listijabudi, Ph.D
Kaprodi Filsafat Keilahian Program Sarjana Dosen Teologi Kontekstual, Hermeneutik Alkitab Kontekstual, Perjanjian Lama Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: M.Th., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S3: Ph.D, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ...
Pdt. Prof. Dr(h.c.) Emanuel Gerrit Singgih, Ph.D.
Dosen Biblika-Perjanjian Lama Pendidikan S1: STT Duta Wacana S3: Ph.D, University of Glasgow Email Jabatan Fungsional Guru Besar Bidang KepakaranBiblika-Perjanjian Lama Tautan Kepakaran Dosen PDDIKTI SINTA Google Scholar Garuda Semester Aktif Hermeneutik...
Pdt. Dr. Frans Setyadi Manurung, M.Th.
Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Alumni, dan KerjasamaDosen Perjanjian Baru/Hermeneutik PB dan Studi Pentakosta Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: M.Th., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S3: Dr., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Email...
Pdt. Handi Hadiwitanto, Ph.D
Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kaprodi Filfasat Keilahian Program Magister Dosen Teologi Praktis - Pembangunan Jemaat Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: M.Th., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S3: Ph.D, Radboud University Email Profil Akademis...
Prof. Dr. J.B. Giyana Banawiratma
Dosen Metodologi Riset, Teologi Kontekstual, Kristologi, Ekklesiologi Pendidikan Sarjana: IKIP Sanata Dharma S3: Dr., Innsbruck University Email
Pdt. Paulus Sugeng Widjaja, MAPS, Ph.D.
Kaprodi Doktor Teologi Dosen Etika, Teologi Perdamaian Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: MAPS, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary S3: Ph.D, Fuller Theological Seminary Email Profil Akademis SINTA Google Scholar
Pdt. Prof. Robert Setio, Ph.D
Dekan Fakultas TeologiDosen Biblika – Perjanjian Pertama Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S3: Ph.D, University of Glasgow Email Profil Akademis SINTA Google Scholar
Pdt. Stefanus Christian Haryono, MACF, Ph.D
Dosen Spiritualitas, Liturgi Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: MACF, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary S3: Ph.D, Claremont School of Theology Email
Pdt. Prof. Tabita Kartika Christiani, Ph.D
Dosen Pendidikan Kristiani Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: M.Th., Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Seoul S3: Ph.D, Boston College, USA Email Profil Akademis SINTA Scopus Google Scholar
Pdt. Wahju Satria Wibowo, Ph.D
Wakil Rektor Bidang Pengembangan Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia, Promosi, dan Jejaring Dosen Filsafat dan Teologi Konstruktif Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: MA, STF Driyarkara S3: Ph.D, Vrije Universiteit Email Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Bidang...
Pdt. Dr. Wahyu Nugroho, M.A.
Wakil Dekan Bidang Keuangan, SDM, dan Sarana Prasarana Dosen Studi Agama-agama dan Islamologi Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: MA, Universitas Gadjah Mada S3: Dr., Universitӓt Rostock Email
Prof. Yahya Wijaya, Ph.D
Dosen Teologi Ekonomi; Teologi dan Budaya Popular Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary S3: Ph.D, The University of Leeds Email Profil Akademis SINTA Google Scholar Scopus
Pdt. Dr. Yusak Tridarmanto, M.Th
Dosen Biblika – Perjanjian Baru Pendidikan Sarjana: Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jakarta S2: M.Th., Ridley College, Melbourne S3: Dr., Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana/Melbourne School of Theology, Australia Email Profil Akademis SINTA Google Scholar
Pdt. Dr. Jozef M. N. Hehanussa, M.Th
Ketua Editor Jurnal Gema Teologika: Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual dan Filsafat KeilahianDosen Sejarah Kekristenan, Studi Perdamaian Pendidikan S1: Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana S2: M.Th, Trinity Theological College S3: Dr., Augustana Theologische Hochschule...
How to Apply
Application is open the whole year. Outcome of selection will be made in April (Batch 1) and June (Batch 2).
- Non-refundable Application fee IDR 500,000 (Domestic applicants should send the application fee to BNI Account No. 0039228954. International applicants can make the payment at registration)
- One-time Facility Development Fee IDR 9,000,000 (USD 600)
- Tuition Fee (per semester) IDR 14,000,000 (USD 1100)
Dissertation and Graduation Fees (in accordance with the regulations in the year of graduation)
The Academic Handbook 2023 for the The Doctor of Theology Programme at UKDW may be found here.